3 thoughts on “On Alexei Navalny: A Postscript

  1. Sounded great, but did it mean anything in reality? Nothing will change in Russia. If getting into a war with the Ukraine that has embarrassed Russia tremendously the way it has progressed…resulting in thousands of Russian casualities, not to mention infrastructure damage has not had a serious negative effect on Putin, this one guy’s words who nobody heard in Russia won’t either. Nobody in Russia can watch The National Desk. Hopefully Trump watched it and if so, maybe it put a dent in his idolization of Putin which would be a good thing…but even that’s a long shot.


    1. He took the steps he did. One — like you 😉 — might not agree with the approach he took from a practical standpoint — I’m not so sure — but he undeniably had guts to die for what he believed in. Given all of the cowards running in fear of Trump with so much less to lose, I respect him.


      1. I abolutely agree with his position but to me, he was worth way more alive than dead. He must have had a Jesus complex because his premature death did nothing to further his cause. I could not believe he went back to Russia back when I first heard about it. If Putin tried to poison him twice when he was living abroad, he had to know he was a dead man going back to Russia. Maybe if there were mass demonstrations in Russia and I mean BIG demonstrations, it might have made sense to go back because there were too many people involved to just kill him off, but he evidently was thinking his martyrdom will create forces of change. Sorry, nyet.


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